BarONUS zONUS@baronus


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2023 episodes (12)

B.15 Banana for Scale / 3.7 Take 1
Ep. 15

B.15 Banana for Scale / 3.7 Take 1

Our first attempt at 3.7 didn’t really have the Barone Boys magic, so we decided to shelve this one - until now! Thanks, editing!

B.14 BarONUS pre-shOwNUS, Vol. 1 (3.8, 3.10, & 3.12)
Ep. 14

B.14 BarONUS pre-shOwNUS, Vol. 1 (3.8, 3.10, & 3.12)

A compilation of our pre-show chats. This edition: Finding Erdos (3.8): Adam and Mike do some research on Todd Erdos. The NFL Challenge (3.10): Mike asks Adam to name three active quarterbacks. Schneider’s Tech Trouble (3.12): The Barone Boys stall as guest Joseph Schneider searches for his headphones.

B.12 Ray Ray...Don't Tell Me!
Ep. 12

B.12 Ray Ray...Don't Tell Me!

Mike G hosts a game inspired by Ray Romano’s May 6, 2023 appearance on NPR’s seminal panel show, Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!

B.9 Somewhere in Queens
Ep. 09

B.9 Somewhere in Queens

From Jamaica (and not the one in Queens), the Barone Boys wax poetic about Ray Romano’s new film Somewhere in Queens.

B.7 Love Raymond or List Raymond
Ep. 07

B.7 Love Raymond or List Raymond

Two young professionals look for a house that is walking distance to the beach, close to the city center, and is (or was formerly) owned by Ray Romano. Here’s Ray’s Venice farmhouse, his Toluca Lake fixer-upper, and the article about his Malibu beach house!

B.6 CelebRAYty JeopRAYdy!
Ep. 06

B.6 CelebRAYty JeopRAYdy!

The Barone Boys break down Ray Romano’s appearance on Celebrity Jeopardy! and play CelebRAYty JeopRAYdy!