Explicit The Canada Dry Nesting Doll Hour / 2.5 Golf (w/ Khalonji Bulluck)

The Canada Dry Nesting Doll Hour / 2.5 Golf (w/ Khalonji Bulluck)

Episode description

Mike’s still missing after his backyard barbecue with the Flat Earth people, so returning champion and newly-minted husband Khalonji Bulluck joins Adam and Alex in the Winneraygo to give us an update on whether Raymond’s made it into his book yet, whether he’s kept up with the show since his last appearance, and most importantly, go scene-by-scene through Season 2, Episode 5 of Everybody Loves Raymond, “Golf.” They talk the surprisingly nuanced way this episode handles Ray’s mental health, the Peacock-exclusive Tiger Woods footage, and Ray’s good old sexuality. Plus, Adam has a feeling, Alex vets an endorsement, and Khalonji is nearly asked to leave. This episode was brought to you by Canada Dry, the official drink of all things Raymond (not a sponsor).

Episode talk starts at 21:02!

Khalonji can be found on Instagram (@l.onji), and hear him on this month’s BarONUS episode! Pay what you want for an extra episode every month, and this month is no exception - Judge Debra’s holding…basketball court? Get it now at postfun.org/donate!

Submit any and all Raymembrances, Judge Debras (Judges Debra?), questions, or comments at forums.postfun.org!

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