Explicit Grandma's Mouth with Tyrone Dickie / 2.17 The Ride-Along (w/ Joseph Schneider)

Grandma's Mouth with Tyrone Dickie / 2.17 The Ride-Along (w/ Joseph Schneider)

Episode description

Alex and workwear magnate Tyrone Dickie meet at Lynbrook Univeristy’s Canada Dry Hall for their first mayoral debate (brought to you by Canada Dry) prior to the 2023 election (brought to you by Canada Dry), moderated impartially by two local journalists.

Then, the Barone Boys pick up comedian Joseph Schneider in the Winneraygo to break down Season 2, Episode 17 of Everybody Loves Raymond, “The Ride-Along.” They talk about the sociopolitical implications of COPS, Sherri Shepherd’s first appearance as Judy, and Schneider joins Mike for another installment of screaming about food continuity.

Canada Dry continues to be unaffiliated with this podcast.

Episode talk starts at 30:18!

Follow Schneider on Twitter, pre-order Let This Radicalize You by Kelly Hayes and Mariame Kaba (not Schneider), and as always, we invite you to check out the BarONUS zONUS, store, forums, Instagram, and Facebook!

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No transcript available for this episode.